Být viděn

Anely Jeromin (GER), January 2020 – December 2020

Jan-Feb 2020 „Starting the collaboration, getting to know the organization, the team and the DOX team, following the artistic and organizational leadership, Workshop with Seniors for Navzdy Spolu, setteling in Prague...“

Mar-Apr 2020 „Beginning of the pandemie, Cancellation of live shows, preparation of a live streamed concert, lots of quick learning in a short time, more focus on social media work and streaming, insecurity of what will happen to the project and participation, wondering if I will have to go home, agreement to stay, support of FIC in regards to the pandemic situation was given...“


May-Jun 2020 „Preparations of the Commander and Epehemera Project, plenty of online activities, settleing more and more in the team, excitement to continue the project "besides" the pandemic…“

Jul-Aug 2020 „Rehearsal Phase with AS and GC started, the pandemic is not so present, we can work freely, lots of preparartions for the big project in the winter. Stabalizing the collaboration, getting more and more responsibilities, becming really part of the team…“


Sep-Oct 2020 „Casting Small Boys for Commander / Den Architektury in DOX / again cancellation of live shows - frustation over not getting more active production work done and have to work only digitally (because of the pandemics). But then the preparations for Ephemera start which changed this back…“

Nov-Dec 2020 „Realization of Ephemera in Lucerna Cinema, Really intense phase in the project, feeling really part of the collective of FIC, and of DOX, very well oriented in Prague. Agreement with FIC to collaborate together after EVS was finished…“


Andrej Štěpita (SVK), September 2020 – August 2021

Sep-Oct 2020 „…meeting a new collective, observing the functioning of a company, synchronizing my knowledge and artistic vision within the structures of the theatre, beginning of a research for a new topic…“

Nov-Dec 2020 „Working on a Ephemera movie, getting comfortable around the collective and bounding outside of theatre. First collective actions and gatherings, getting used to the rhytm of work…“

Jan-Feb 2021 „Harder beggining of the year, getting back to the Commander project and a begginning of a rehearsal phase, new people in the collective, different way of working. Feeling a bit homesick…“


Mar-Apr 2021 „…working on "Refuge" adaptation, getting fully used to the collective rhytm and way of working, being fully able to present my own artistic visions, "settling down" in the institution…“


May-Jun 2021 „Getting back to working on Commander, minor tiredness from the work, but big progress in rehearsals, being also able to do my own projects…“


Jul-Aug 2021 „finalizing the movie "commander" work, fully being settled in the collective, being able to meet new people around Prague, more free time for exploring the city and working on my own projects“

Nicolas Garsault (FRA), September 2021 – August 2022

Sep-Oct 2021 „Coming from professional dance environment, first I thought it will be the same, but I realized rapidly that this work will be very different. But the approach of the work was very smooth as the research part was very involving. I was feeling very confortable in the work and with my teammates.“

Nov-Dec 2021 „I started to be fully aware of the subject of the piece and the topic. The cooperation and friendship between me and the others was stronger than before as we found our relationship more stable around the work and the cohabitation…“


Jan-Feb 2022 „I started to feel a bit home-sick as my home missed me. But the relationship with my teammates was very smooth, so it went fine. The work was well-advanced, but after some tryout, some adjustments has to be made and I started to be tiring to re-work over some research we have already made…“


Mar-Apr 2022 „These month were difficult, as we were working on parts that were already done before, so no real new work there. But after some good work and with the help of my teammates I went through it, feeling stronger and with even more motivation to go further. We really started to enjoy to hangout and spend more good times out of the work together…“

May-Jun 2022 „During this periods I was feeling very strong and ready for everything. I deeply understood the topic and really embraced the motivation around the fact that we needed to speak about it. We were working a lot at this moment, but my mood and commitment was very high…“


Jul-Aug 2022 „These last months were really with a lot of ups and downs : the end of the project was nice, we were happy to finally achieve this all together. But I was feeling very tired, and wanted to move on something else, a different topic. But this experience bring me so much power and new practice methods that I was very grateful for this all journey. This project as open my mind on this very deep topic and bring my new knowledge…“

Matúš Szeghö (SVK), September 2021 – August 2022


Sep-Oct 2021 „Even though I came to a completely new environment, I felt very welcome. Everyone was very helpful, patient and ready to introduce me to my new team and the work that followed. A very pleasant journey began, which had a very natural, slow and gradual approach…“


Nov-Dec 2021 „I finally began to understand more deeply the work and the topic we are focusing on in this project. Even though the days were difficult, I felt that every day I was gaining new experiences, understanding better and being able to adapt to new challenges faster…“


Jan-Feb 2022 „Meeting with teenagers and their stories about the given topic gave me a lot. We discussed a lot and brainstormed everything related to the project and came up with a lot of interesting material…“


Mar-Apr 2022 „This period was my most difficult. Fatigue and exhaustion also came, but my work team of colleagues kept me in a good mood and motivated to complete the project. I also started to miss home, but it was compensated by pleasant meetings with my new friends..“


May-Jun 2022 „I finally started to feel confident in my strengths, I was able to use the knowledge I had acquired so far and I didn't allow negative thoughts to drag me down. Positive thinking and motivational leadership of the entire team moved me forward in an incredible way…“

Jul-Aug 2022 „The end of the project was an emotional rollercoaster. The joy of completing the project alternated with nostalgia that this wonderful journey was coming to an end. After all those months, I was able to fully understand the given topic, use the newly learned systems and methods in practice and draw on all the new knowledge that this project gave me…“

O projektu

Projekt Divadlo jako lidské místo (2020 – 2022) nabízí mladému člověku možnost působit v profesionálním mezinárodním divadelním souboru. V souboru, ve kterém se boří hranice mezi uměním a výzkumem, mezi učitelem a žákem, mezi divadelním a tanečním uměním, mezi hercem a produkčním, jsou účastníkům předávány specifické profesní zkušenosti neformálním způsobem. Projekt se zaměřuje na rozvoj osobních kvalit a dovedností mladých lidí, na schopnost kreativního / divadelního vyjádření zadaného tématu, na tvorbu vlastních pracovních postupů a schopnost pracovat samostatně i v týmu.


Účastníci projektu

Účastníky projektu v typu aktivity individuální dobrovolnictví jsou Andrej Štěpita (Slovensko), Anely Jeromin (Německo), Nicolas Garsault (Francie) a Matúš Szeghö (Slovensko). Anely se v rámci první aktivity – produkční dovednosti – zaměřuje na získání dovedností v oblasti divadelního managementu, kdy během zkoušení představení bude nutné plánovat zkoušky, zajišťovat rekvizity, kostýmy. S blížící se premiérou se připravují letáky, programy a plakáty. V asistentské pozici bude Anely také součástí komunikace se spřízněnými institucemi a grantovými projekty. Nicolas, Matúš a Andrej se v rámci aktivity zaměřené na umělecké dovednosti naučí pracovat s hlasem a tělem, s rekvizitou, kostýmem, se světelnou technikou i s hudebními nástroji. Bude pracovat jako profesionální performer pod vedením režiséra Viliama Dočolomanského a s podporou všech herců studia. Skrze obdržené tvůrčí úkoly vytváří herecké partitury.


Evropský sbor solidarity

Evropský sbor solidarity umožňuje mladým lidem (18-30 let) získat cenné zkušenosti v zemích Evropy i mimo ni prostřednictvím dobrovolnického výjezdu. V České republice tento program spravuje Dům zahraniční spolupráce. Evropský sbor solidarity sdružuje mladé lidi s cílem budovat inkluzivnější společnost, podporovat zranitelné osoby a reagovat na společenské a humanitární výzvy. Nabízí mladým lidem, kteří chtějí pomáhat, učit se a rozvíjet, inspirativní a posilující zkušenost a poskytuje jednotné vstupní místo pro tyto solidární aktivity v celé Unii i mimo ni. Program otevírá více a lepších příležitostí pokrývajících širokou škálu oblastí, jako je například integrace migrantů, environmentální výzvy, prevence přírodních katastrof, vzdělávání a aktivity mládeže, ochrana kulturního dědictví, humanitární pomoc. Podporuje také národní a místní aktéry v jejich úsilí vyrovnat se s různými společenskými výzvami a krizí.


Farma v jeskyni

Farma v jeskyni, z.s., je mezinárodní divadelní studio tvořící v Praze, zaměřené na tvorbu, vývoj a výzkum lidského výrazu. Kromě inscenací, site-specific projektů, koncertů, kulturních výzkumů a divadelních eventů se Farma v jeskyni zaměřuje na pořádání dílen v Praze i v zahraničí, kterých se každoročně účastní zájemci z celého světa. Za dvacetiletou existenci soubor reprezentoval Českou republiku na mnoha prestižních festivalech na 3 kontinentech a ve více než 60 městech. Farma v jeskyni je držitelem mnoha mezinárodních i českých ocenění, mezi kterými je nejprestižnější Evropská cena Nové divadelní reality pro režiséra Viliama Dočolomanského, který se tak stal jediným českým držitelem této ceny.

