The Cave Farm has launched a "Training Program" project that has received funding from the National Recovery Plan. This program, which focuses on developing dance and movement skills, will provide participants with the opportunity to learn the "Immerse Performing" method developed over the company's 20-year history. 


Farma v jeskyni zahájila projekt „Tréninkového programu“, který získal finanční podporu z Národního plánu obnovy. Tento program, zaměřený na rozvoj tanečních a pohybových dovedností, poskytne účastníkům příležitost osvojit si metodu „Immerse Performing“, vyvinutou během dvacetileté existence souboru.

The aim is to pass on the experience to professional dancers, performers and students and at the same time to enrich our work with innovative approaches of foreign lecturers. The programme will take place in the DOX+ building in Prague from January to December 2024.

The project was implemented with the financial participation of the European Union through the National Regeneration Plan and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

For Promoters

Farm in the Cave’s standard space requirements for performances are as follows: a space with good acoustics which can also be completely silent during performances; typically we use a black box or site-specific space with minimal dimensions of 10 x 10 meters, with a height of 6 meters; at least 6 months before the performance our technical team of 2-4 persons must make a preparatory visit.

The maximum number of audience members at individual performances varies, but is usually no more than 450. 
The number of performers per performance varies between 5 and 13, and the technical – production staff is between 4 and 6 people.
The minimum number of performances presented in one place is 2. The company can play 2 performances per day are available on request – the latest start time is 21:00 local time.
The length of preparation and adaptation depends on the specific performance and local conditions, with a minimum of 1-2 days necessary prior to the day of the first production.
Financial requirements are available upon request at

The organizers pay for: fees; costs of shipping scenography; personnel transport; local transportation to the performance location; housing; per-diems; costs connected with preparatory technical visit. The organizer agrees to pay for costs of equipment rental if the space to be used does not have the equipment necessary.