In order to create a project with the working title “Lorca,” a group of young actors under the direction of Viliam Dočolomanský were invited on a trip to Andalucía along with filmmakers J & J Jakubisko Film.
Under the leadership of Viliam Dočolomanský a group of young actors were invited to create a project with the working title “Lorca.” The guiding line for the expedition in Andalucía were F.G. Lorca’s creations, and a search for hidden facts about his life and the culture he grew up in: flamenco; the art of the bullfighter; cante jondo songs; the landscape; architecture.
On the way of following the traces of Federico Garcia Lorca the group was led by the world famous lorcologist and researcher Ian Gibson, listener and first reader of young Lorca’s plays Maria de la Mata, flamenco guitarist Antonio Fernandez, toreadors Nino de Leo and Jose Morales Garcia as well as the singers from the gipsy village in Benalua de Guadix..
July, August 2001
Fuente Vaqueros, Valderubio, Aconquia de Ainadaman (Spring of tears), Granada, Sevilla, Jimena de la Frontera, Benalúa de Guadix, Ronda, Puerto del Sol
Research Viliam Dočolomanský, Matej Matejka, Hana Varadzinová, Róbert Nižník, Gabriela Pyšná, Zuzana Rusznáková, Daniel Gája, Genevieve Mcclean, Vendula Prager, Lucia Prokešová, Peter Hirjak