Within the educational part of the Online Hero project, Farm in the Cave holds various public lectures, workshops and discussions.
In the latest multi-media project, theatre ensemble Farm in the Cave deals with a global phenomenon of disinformation campaigns and its impact from an emotional and human point of view. Until these days, this topic was mainly spoken about via algorythms, chain e-mails and other "facts", however the impact on personal lives of people with concrete stories and faces has been ignored.
in progress...
29.11.2023 | 16:00-18:00 | Theatre as educational medium | the programme will be held in Czech language only
29.11.2023 | 17:00-18:00 | Discussion: Politics as theatre: How do polititians „play“ with our emotions? | the discussion will be held in Czech language only
30.10.2023 | 15:30-16:50 | Øyvind Strømmen: Conspiracy Theories, Powerlessness and Power | a lecture at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
18.-19.5.2023 | Conference: Bond between politicians and voters: How far can a campaign „seduce“ us?
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University | Hollar | Room 014
Theatre ensemble Farm in the Cave organises a lecture given by Norwegian journalist Øyvind Strømmen.
The lecture will be held in English without a translation and it will be streamed online.
Too often, conspiracy thinking is allowed to present itself as societal criticism. For some, of course, conspiracy theories offer an explanation for feelings of alienation, powerlessness or despair; and a tool for criticising real or perceived elites. Paradoxically, however, conspiracy theories are also weapons, employed by people in power to weaken criticism or - indeed - to undermine liberal democracy itself. Drawing on examples from a number of countries, Øyvind Strømmen proposes a social critique of conspiracy theories; recognizing them both as a symptom and as a threat.
A freelance journalist and author specialized in extremism, conspiracy theories, desinformation and other forms of political hatred. He is an author of numerous books eg.: Det mørke nettet (The Dark Nettwork, 2011), Den sorte tråden (The Black Thread, 2013), Giftpillen: konspirasjonsteorier og deres ødeleggende kraft (The Poison Pill: Conspiracy Theories and Their Destructive Power, 2021)
In his book Det mørke nettet (The Dark Web) he mapped the ideological backdrop of the 22 July attacks in Norway). Afterwards, his expert insights were widely used in the mainstream media to explain the attack to the general public. In 2012 he was called as an expert witness in the trial of Anders Behring Breivik.
Due to his coverage of extremism, Strømmen was named freelance journalist of the year in Norway in 2011 by the Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ).
Øyvind Strømmen collaborates with the Farm in the Cave theatre studio as an external consultant covering the phenomenon of extremism and radicalisation.
The lecture is open for all FSV and non-FSV students same as for general public. If you plan to attend in person, you can just come and do not have to register.
If you want to attend online, you can do so via our YouTube stream which will be also accessible in the Facebook event.
Project Online Hero was supported by the EEA Grants, Ministery of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Capital City Prague.
Farm in the Cave implements a project number 380000044: Marketing strategy - Farm in the Cave 2023, focused on the delivery of PR services that is supported by the European Union - Next Generation EU.